Growing Lisianthus From Seeds
Germinating Pelleted Lisianthus Seeds
We have found that Lisianthus seeds can be very hard to germinate they do take time. We grow Lisianthus is cell trays we have found a good way that works very well for us. Lisianthus makes some of the most beautiful cut flowers on the market. We will list steps we take to germinate these seeds. We are setup pretty well to start seeds we do like the Active Grow lights they work well for us.
We get a cell tray most things we start in 200 cell trays we use Pro Mix FPX works great a light seed starting mix that has no big chunks in it with bio fungicide. We put this is cell tray and smash it down well in the cell we use another tray on top to push it in then we add more. We run water over the cell tray to get soil moist even moist soil will stop checker boarding so you wont have wet and dry spots. We make sure it is pretty full on top we did find a pretty cool item that helps out a lot. This is a rolling dibbler works great and puts a dimple right in middle of cell tray so seed grows in center this is very important. Seeds on the side of the cell don’t root well. We grow are own seeds we get from supplier and you can find these on our site we offer over 4,000 kinds of seeds and pushing about 200 kinds of Lisianthus. So Lisianthus seeds should be just placed on top of soil we do this with a vacuum seeder because we are setup to grow over 100 trays at a time so seeding by hand wouldn’t work but on a small scale hand seeding is great. After seeds are in place we cover with a light coat of vermiculite this helps retain moisture in the cell tray. Water well and cover with a propagation dome. You can use a heat mat with a temperature set at 70f to 75f for germination we don't use one but it may help if you are setup that way. The dome will keep humidity in and watch for them drying out they like to stay evenly moist. These will sprout in 12 to 18 days or sooner. After they do sprout you will need to mist them for about 3 weeks and make sure cells don’t get to wet stay even. After the plants get rooted well you can transplant to larger pots. This is what works well for us with one of the harder cut flowers to sprout. We grow hundreds of cell trays a season. We will add links below for some of the products we do use to do these. We like to start to fertilize the trays with a liquid 15-5-15 fertilizer every week tell we transplant.
Pro Mix Seed Starting Mix
Rolling Dibbler
Grow Lights